Sunday, April 22, 2007


Brittney from Chicago sent in this Lotus Flower.

She said, " This symblolizes me rising from a bad beginning to success and happiness. I've got this tattoo my freshman year a college to remind me of how far I've come!"

Lotus, Butterfly, and Symbols

Mandi from Baltimore submitted these tattoos.

Unfortunately, she didn't include a story. I e-mailed her back and hopefully, I'll get the story to go with the tats!

Pegasus and Other Tattoos

This tattoo was submitted by Sylvia in Dayton, OH.

Unfortunately, she did not include a story.

Please, always include the story behind the tattoo!!

Mardi Gras - Scorpio and Lotus

Late posting of a Mardi Gras photo. This is Stephanie from Atlanta.

The Scorpio is her sign.

The Lotus Blossom; "I have my Lotus flower, because it actually represents my life. The beginning of the life of the Lotus flower is down deep in the MUCK and the MUD of water and it actually grows up and OUT of the muck, mud and water and becomes a BEAUTIFUL creation of life. That's why I have mine, life for me did not start out so great but I fought my way through the crap of it all and succeeded."


This one was submitted By Betty who lives in in Pompano Beach, FL.

She said she got this butterfly 2 years ago. The butterfly reminds her that beauty can come from ugly things (caterpillars).