Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mardi Gras - Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

I noticed this tattoo on the lower back of a young lady standing outside a gay bar. I asked her if it had any special significance. She said it stood for love and her quest to find that someone special. Since we were outside a gay bar, I asked her if she was looking for a guy or a girl. She replied, "Probably a guy, but she was open to other possibilities."

I decided to point out the obvious. If you're looking for a relationship with a guy, a gay bar might not be the best hunting grounds! She agreed that I was right. However, she said gay guys are so cute, funny, and nice. She wondered if she could convert one. I suggested that I didn't think that was very likely. She agreed that I was probably right. I wished her well on her quest.

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